On days with lots of difficult customers, suddenly getting a sweet compliment can turn the day completely around. Here are some of the sweet words we've heard over this fortnight.
"You've got a really comprehensive range for a bookshop. Even specialist bookshops in Australia don't have this kind of range."
Lovely comments from a visiting customer!
On top of the warm glow of her comments, her friend leaned over and loudly whispered:
"She's been a YA and middle grade writer for over 20 years, so she knows her stuff!"
As you might know, we don't randomly pick up a catalogue and select all the books inside it to see which one sells. Not only do we not have the space, but because our shop space is limited, we really dig deep into what kinds of books we want to sell. Each book that comes through our shop is specially picked to reflect the art, subject, and message that we want to see more of in the world.
This is the best kids' bookshop I have ever seen!
From a pair of lovely visiting parents whose daughter browsed through the books on display with wonder in her eyes and restrained awe in her fingertips.
This one might seem like a polite pleasantry, but this family of customers stands out in our memory because the parents got us to be accomplices in their quest to keep a purchase secret from their little girl. I hope she really has fun with her book of pop out Rainforest Masks, and that she appreciates the parents who took the time to get her something special on top of what has hopefully already been a wonderful overseas holiday.