Boys and girls, mums and dads! We invite you to a morning of craft, colouring, and family fun with coffee and breakfast together with Sir Stamford Raffles at the SWF³ Tent! (Please fill out our registration form so that we have an idea of how much coffee to order! We shouldn’t waste food, right?)
SAYANG CHALK TRAIL (Rain, rain, go away!)
Colour in, out, and around the lines at our special SAYANG Chalk Trail! Exchange a short poem based on the SWF 2016 theme ‘Sayang’ to get a piece of chalk and bring the chalk trail alive!
Don’t forget to collect your toy plane kit! Make a plane that can fly all over the Singapore Writers Festival.
There will be a special Story Time at the SWF³ Tent on Empress Lawn. Join us for a fun hour of music, story, and craft!
Venue: SWF³ Tent, Empress Lawn
Date: 13 November 2016, Sunday Time: 10 - 11AM
Age: 3 - 99 Registration Link (Limited slots available, first registered first served!): https://goo.gl/forms/